Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière

SMASRDFDr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière was born in Paris, France on January 18th, 1916. At the age of 12, he is awarded the “Ernest Rousille” award as Europe's best student. At the age of 14, he begins his university studies and immersed in it by its specific nature. In 1935, he obtains the title of Mining Engineer in Brussels. He later obtains doctorates in diverse subjects such as in Medicine, Sciences, Psychology and Theology, Philosophy and Biology.

On February 18th, 1947, he establishes the International Group of Cosmobiology.

He also excels in Art as a painter who shows in each one of his pieces, a simultaneous set of diverse interconnected meanings, for a time where values imply both a synthesis and at the same time a syntagma. He has been declared by art critics as an incomparable painter.

Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière tirelessly travels the five continents, visiting 43 countries and giving more than 2500 lectures, establishing his high ideals of Science, Art, Philosophy and Didactics for the birth of a new humanity.

He establishes the headquarters of the International Federation of Scientific Societies (FISS) in Club l’Artistique, a famous art center of the fifties in Nice, France in accordance with his transcendental approach ahead of his time; the union of Science and Art in an epistemology of life, for a greater understanding.

On December 27 1962, Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière passes away, leaving behind an outline of his Worldwide Institution. His beloved disciple Dr. David Juan Ferriz Olivares continues his legacy in Science in its no-limit sense through the various Foundations inspired in his thought such as: the INVESCIENCIAS Foundation, the ELIC Foundation as well as the Association for the Preservation of Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière’s Work in Europe (with its headquarters in Nice, France).

The great contributions of these foundations have represented for thousands of people all over America, Europe and other continents, a fundamental change in their lives, ranging from Nutrition, Psychophysical Culture, to the foundations’ advanced approaches, using the four pillars of Knowing, benefitting families, children, the Thinking man, artists, and all of humanity in general. His Thought was maintained and thoroughly explained thanks to his exegete Dr. David Juan Ferriz Olivares, who was highly educated scientifically, academically and spiritually.

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