

The ELIC Foundation counts on psycho-pedagogical principles that are based on proposals of the wise Frenchman Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferrière, his ideologist and exegete Dr. David Juan Ferriz Olivares and the ELIC Foundation’s primary administrator and founder Acct. Maria Nilda Cerf Arbulu. These principles include:


  • The Principle of Shaping-and-Learning: “What is important is not solely teaching something to a child; it is shaping their spirit for observation and reflection, critical analysis within research and the love for truth”

  • The Principle of Shaping the Child Qualitatively and Quantitatively: Transform within the child a more active and participatory attitude, attained infallibly when they "learn to learn something," so that they can project their transcendence towards understanding and international peace, for which the child is encouraged and motivated in the development of a good mood and an active readiness allowing for a greater growth and expansion of their internal faculties such as creativity, intuition and logical reasoning through the practice of observation, experimentation, reflection and a love for truth.

  • The Ecumenical Principle: The ELIC Foundation’s programs and activities are of an ecumenical nature and of universal fraternity. The ELIC Foundation as well collaborates in the integration of the highest spiritual values with institutions dedicated to the shaping and protection of children in their human rights, social rights, regardless of denomination.

  • The Apolitical Principle: The ELIC Foundation does not identify itself with any political party in particular, maintaining its nonpartisan nature, in all its activities. This does not impede, naturally, that the Foundation collaborate and participate with public institutions and government bodies in relation to its objectives and that it be of benefit to humanity.

  • The Rights of Children Principle: The ELIC Foundation completely shares the ideologies of the UN (United Nations), UNESCO, UNICEF, the RED CROSS and other institutions that advocate for the Rights of Children.

  • The Right of the Talented Child Principle: Every child with a naturally prominent talent has the right to be educated both with methods and the Shaping-Learning that will allow for his/her greatest development corresponding to his/her attitudes and skills.

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