Abstract Format for Presentation/ Workshop
The following is a guide for the abstract to be submitted by those who will lecture and/or hold a workshop at the 8th World Congress for Talented Children in Sucre, Bolivia.
The deadline for submission is: May 31, 2015
As of July 31 a communication will be sent to the speakers who were accepted. Speakers who have not submitted their complete documentation on this date may not pay to register as exhibitors, but as participants.
Software: Word Processing Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Write Spreadsheets: Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc Graphics and illustrations: JPEG format Presentation Format: A4 Sheet Format Margins: Send your submissions using the model to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This e-mail address is being protected from spam robots. (You need JavaScript enabled to view it) “Title of Presentation or Workshop (Arial 12, centered, bold, single spaced)”
Author’s Name: Institution represented: Street Address: Phone: Mobile: Fax: email address (Arial 11, centered, single space) Area(s) to which you presentation belongs within the conference topics (see Topics) (Arial 10, centered, single) Justification (Explain why your presentation fits into these topics): Keywords: Up to 7 (Arial 10, centered, single) Abstract in Spanish (maximum 300 words):
Optional abstract in English (maximum 300 words):
"The Cradle of Numbers: How Numbers are born" Francesca Bradamante, Leonardo Calvo Group of Mathematical Processes and Algorithms Department of Sciences ELIC Foundation - Bogotá Carrera 40 Calle 67, Ciudad Universitaria. Edif. 412. Of. 209 Tel: 316513 Ext. 217. Cell: 3204567890 Fax: 3180615 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Area to which it belongs, within the conference topics: Science in the Sense of Unlimited Knowledge. Pillars of Knowledge: Union of Science, Art, Philosophy and Didactics for the discovery and development of the potentialities of children. Justification (Explain why your speech fits into these topics) Keywords: numbers, cycle numbers, the genetics of numbers, geometry, harmony, nature.
ABSTRACT This workshop is the complement of didactic application of the conference: "The Genetics of Numbers and the Geometry in Nature". Fields of application of the Numeral Science in Biology and in nature stand out, especially investigating not only the meaning of the numbers but also the genetics of the numbers themselves. The passage of a number to another and how this knowledge is applied to the understanding of our immediate world can help us to improve our lives through our objects, lifestyle and daily life. Dr. Serge Raynaud de la Ferriere and Raymond Abellio said: " The science of numbers is the science of cycles and vibration composing the world; this science of numbers is not only symbolic but genetic .... "
Considering the steps from the number 4 to 5 and 5 to 6 different examples that nature provides (through biology, chemistry and other branches), will be elaborated. Following these examples some manual construction and artistic practices will, through logical reasoning combined with the creative process, allow us to observe concretely how these relationships are manifested. The use of observation and reflection will be promoted to favor using the deductive and analog processes the association with numbers that we want to improve and build in our world in order to promote knowledge.
Based on wooden sticks, origami figures, colored pencils and markers making games and three-dimensional structures, the relationships of the above mentioned numbers will be illustrated. |
CV Format
Please refer to the following guide for speakers' curriculum vitaes for the 8th World Conference for Childhood Talent, Sucre, Bolivia
Software: Procesador de textos: Microsoft Word u OpenOffice Write |
Fecha Límite: 31 de Mayo del 2015 |
Formatos de Presentación: |
Formato de hoja A4 Márgenes: Superior: 3 cm; Inferior: 2 cm Márgenes: Izquierda:3 cm; Derecha: 2 cm |
* En caso sea necesario estaremos solicitando documentos y constancias que se indiquen en el C.Vitae.
Datos Personales (Incluir fotografía de 3x4cm): Nombres y Apellidos: Fecha y Lugar de Nacimiento: Dirección particular y/o para envío de correspondencia: Dirección laboral: Teléfonos: Particular: Laboral: Celular: E-mail:
Formación Académica:
Actividad Académica: Actividad Docente: Actividad Científica: Actividades de servicio a la comunidad: Experiencia Profesional y/o Laboral: Actividad Laboral Actual: Antecedentes en Investigación a Nivel Nacional, que incluye: Participación en Congresos, Cursos, Seminarios, Jornadas, Talleres y Conferencias. Debe especificar la forma en la cual participó de los eventos que mencione. Antecedentes en Investigación a Nivel Internacional, que incluye: Participación en Congresos, Cursos, Seminarios, Jornadas, Talleres y Conferencias. Debe especificar la forma en la cual participó de los eventos que mencione. Becas, Premios, Distinciones y Reconocimientos: Publicaciones:
Indicar en cuál de las tres se encuentra la investigación que propone presentar en el congreso (en propuesta, en proceso de ejecución, ya ejecutada). |