CV Format
Please refer to the following guide for speakers' curriculum vitaes for the 8th World Conference for Childhood Talent, Sucre, Bolivia
Software: Procesador de textos: Microsoft Word u OpenOffice Write |
Fecha Límite: 31 de Mayo del 2015 |
Formatos de Presentación: |
Formato de hoja A4 Márgenes: Superior: 3 cm; Inferior: 2 cm Márgenes: Izquierda:3 cm; Derecha: 2 cm |
* En caso sea necesario estaremos solicitando documentos y constancias que se indiquen en el C.Vitae.
Datos Personales (Incluir fotografía de 3x4cm): Nombres y Apellidos: Fecha y Lugar de Nacimiento: Dirección particular y/o para envío de correspondencia: Dirección laboral: Teléfonos: Particular: Laboral: Celular: E-mail:
Formación Académica:
Actividad Académica: Actividad Docente: Actividad Científica: Actividades de servicio a la comunidad: Experiencia Profesional y/o Laboral: Actividad Laboral Actual: Antecedentes en Investigación a Nivel Nacional, que incluye: Participación en Congresos, Cursos, Seminarios, Jornadas, Talleres y Conferencias. Debe especificar la forma en la cual participó de los eventos que mencione. Antecedentes en Investigación a Nivel Internacional, que incluye: Participación en Congresos, Cursos, Seminarios, Jornadas, Talleres y Conferencias. Debe especificar la forma en la cual participó de los eventos que mencione. Becas, Premios, Distinciones y Reconocimientos: Publicaciones:
Indicar en cuál de las tres se encuentra la investigación que propone presentar en el congreso (en propuesta, en proceso de ejecución, ya ejecutada). |
Format of Papers/ Unabridged Work
The following is a guide for the papers/ unabridged work for those presenting at the 8th World Conference for Childhood Talent in Sucre, Bolivia.
Starting July 31st, an official notice will be sent to the speakers that have been accepted.
Speakers who have no sent their completed documentation by this date, will not be able to register as speakers, but will be able to register as participants.
Page Format: A4
Software: Microsoft Word or OpenOffice Writer
Pictures and illustrations: JPEG Format
Margins: Upper: 2 cm, Lower: 2 cm, Left: 3 cm, Right: 2 cm
(Arial 10, Left centered, single spaced)
Author(s) (Aligned to the right, Arial 10, bold)
Representing Institution:
Please indicate if an Institution has endorsed or is endorsing this work:
Mailing Address:
Telephone and/or Cellular Phone:
(Aligned to the right) (Arial 9)
(Justified, Arial 11, single spaced).
Lecture Content:
- Maximum of 7 pages * Keynote speakers: Maximum of 12 pages*
(Justified, Arial 11, single spaced).
(Justified, Arial 11, single spaced).
Listed authors in alphabetical order, including:
- Last and First Name
- Year.
- Title of work (in italics). Subtitle and title of chapter.
- Editorial
- Edition
- Place where work was printed.
Footnotes and other reference notes.
(Justified, Arial 9, single spaced).
(Aligned to the left, Arial 10, bold)
Presentation Method:
(Aligned to the left, Arial 10, normal)
Technical support required for your presentation:
(Aligned to the left, Arial 10, normal)
Estimated length:
(Aligned to the left, Arial 10, normal)
(Arial 10, Left centered, single spaced)
Author(s) (Aligned to the right, Arial 10, bold)
Representing Institution:
Please indicate if an Institution has endorsed or is endorsing this work:
Mailing Address:
Telephone and/or Cellular Phone:
(Aligned to the right) (Arial 9)
(Justified, Arial 11, single spaced).
- Maximum of 4 pages
(Justified, Arial 11, single spaced).
(Justified, Arial 11, single spaced).
Listed authors in alphabetical order, including:
- Last and First Name
- Year.
- Title of work (in italics). Subtitle and title of chapter.
- Editorial
- Edition
- Place where work was printed.
Footnotes and other reference notes.
(Justified, Arial 9, single spaced).
(Aligned to the left, Arial 10, bold)
Presentation Method:
(Aligned to the left, Arial 10, normal)
Target Audience:
(Aligned to the left, Arial 10, noraml)
Technical support required for your presentation:
(Aligned to the left, Arial 10, normal)
Setting requirements (space, etc.):
(Aligned to the left, Arial 10, normal)
Estimated length:
(Aligned to the left, Arial 10, normal)